The signs of the final hour can be divided into two groups:
1) Minor signs Minor signs are events of normal nature prophesised by our Prophet Muhammed
2) Major signs Major signs are events of extraordinary nature prophesied by our Prophet
Yaajooj and Maajooj (Gog and Magog)
The Beast
The Fire
Imam Mahdi alayhissalaam
Return of Isa (Jesus) alayhissalaam
The Smoke
Sun Rising from West
Dajjaal (The Anti-Christ)
All of these signs are not in the order of occurance. They are in random order.
These signs are not general. They refer to specific major events. For example, the major sign about landslides refers to 3 major landslides that will happen before Qiyaamah.
These signs are not general. They refer to specific major events. For example, the major sign about landslides refers to 3 major landslides that will happen before Qiyaamah.
The signs can be studied in detail in authentic books.